Gonnohyoue Yamamoto (10th Dan – SoShihan)
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- Gonnohyoue Yamamoto (10th Dan – SoShihan)

Master Yamamoto was born in Tokyo in 1938 and began his study in Karate with Master Yamaguchi in 1952 at the age of fourteen (14). Master Yamamoto soon obtained his black belt and trained younger disciples as an instructor. In 1962, at the age of twenty four (24) he obtained his 5th Dan – Godan and then travelled to the United States with Gosei Yamaguchi (Master Yamaguchi’s son) to promote Goju-Ryu Karate.
After returning from the United States, he visited various countries around the world to help coach instructors abroad and promote the Goju-ryu style. In 1967, at the age of twenty nine (29) he won the tournament of free-style individual match at the first all schools of Karate-Do championships. On the 19th April 2003, Master Yamamoto opened the Kanda Renseikan School in Sotokanda, Chiyoda ward, Tokyo that also acts as the administrative school of the IKO. To visit the International Karate-Do Organisation Japan, please select the following link:
Today, Master Yamamoto devotes his time to coaching high-ranked black belt holders in Japan as well as instructors abroad from Taiwan (The Republic of China), Singapore, Australia, The United States, Portugal, Italy and Iran.